Mom Makes Daughter’s Dresses Using Husband’s Old Shirts & It’s Amazing - LillY blog


Friday 8 September 2017

Mom Makes Daughter’s Dresses Using Husband’s Old Shirts & It’s Amazing

Stephanie Miller, an art teacher and a mother of four live in Utah. Soon after she became a mother, she realised that she has lost her creative touch. She was lost in postpartum depression because of her new responsibilities of being a mother. Her life took a new turn when her husband brought home a $50 sewing machine from Walmart. This is when the idea of using her husband’s old shirts to make her daughter’s dresses came into her mind.
The sewing machine helped her regain her creativity and she started watching tutorials regarding sewing and stitching. She started using her husband’s old shirts to make her daughter’s dresses and the dresses she makes are completely amazing. Seeing her creativity, their friends and neighbours started to donate their old clothes, so that Stephanie doesn’t have to worry about the raw material. Have a look at some of her amazing creations.

1. “We were living in a one-bedroom apartment with little space for me to set up my paintings and it took me too long to set up my paints with a baby to care for”.

2. “I was suffering from postpartum depression, and with the responsibility of being a mother, I lost my creative side”.


3. Her husband brought home a $50 sewing machine from Walmart that brought back colours to her life.


4. “I was frustrated at my husband as he keeps getting rid of his new clothes because it had shrunk”.


5. That’s when the idea of using her husband’s old shirts came into her mind and she started making dresses for her daughter out of them.


6. Her creations are simply adorable.


7. “My 3-year-old daughter calls the dresses I make her ‘Elsa dresses’”.


8. Stephanie loves her new hobby as it keeps her creative side alive.

So, what do you think using old shirts for creating dresses is a unique idea or not? If you liked Stephanie’s adorable creations then do share this article with your friends.

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